A collection of articles defining our times. The pages contain clickable links, don't let the titles fool you, some of the best articles have very non-descript titles and there are usually more articles on the matters in the days and week pages the links land on so it's a sort of treasure hunt through history, Enjoy!
Saturday, September 21, 2019
Trump Admin. Sabotages California And Automakers’ Efforts To Reduce Emis...
Trump Sending Troops To Saudi Arabia; Military Funds Sent To Wall | Rach...
Trump Corruption Mars U.S. Relationship With Ukraine: Michael McFaul | Rachel Maddow | MSNBC
Friday, September 20, 2019
Alien enthusiasts arrive in Nevada despite canceled Area 51 event
Isn't it amazing how many people are crazy enough to believe we are here? Er... I mean; to believe they are here, my bad! hahaha.
Fmr. NSA Inspector General On Whistleblower And President Donald Trump |...
So it's clear; None of the IG's decision is reviewable. That makes sense because a "matter of urgent concern" with regard to the nations security, must be acted upon quickly, in order to minimize; if possible, the harm that might be done. Trump is allowing the nation to be placed at ever increasing risk by stalling. This is because, in the intelligence world, things do not happen in a vacuum. There are other people involved and they may act in other ways that could be harmful to us, if they are given time it is almost assured that they will. "Urgent" means that swift action is needed.
Laurence Tribe On Trump's Desperate Legal Filing And Whistleblower | The...
Time for Congressional counsel to ask the courts to invoke the "frivolous tort" penalties. They should not be allowed to delay process with frivolous actions.
Joe: Will Republicans Say This Is Not A Big Deal? | Morning Joe | MSNBC
The law says that the complaint, if the I.G. accepts it as valid, "SHALL" turn it over to the intelligence committee. The matter is not subject to judicial review, the Justice Department has no cause of action or standing in the matter. Barr has illegally inserted himself and the White House in the matter.
Why Did Mitch McConnell Choose Thursday To Support Election Security? | ...
He's still Moscow Mitch, he's not doing anything to protect the nation from the criminal in the White House or the criminal DOJ head Barr, who is obstructing Congressional investigations on behalf of the President.
Adam Schiff Slams DOJ For Isolating Intel Community Whistleblower | Rach...
These duties of the I.G. to submit this material to the Intelligence Committee is "not reviewable by any court", is the way the statue reads. Barr is in violation of the law by getting involved in this process in any way, shape or form. As a lawbreaker interfering with Congressional process, he needs to be arrested and held to be tried for his crime.
Thursday, September 19, 2019
What We Know And Do Not Know About The Whistleblower Complaint | MTP Dai...
Looks like the IG needs Congressional protection too.
Intel Committee Holding Meeting On Whistleblower Complaint | Morning Joe...
Isn't this what was done with Trump's tax returns? Trump's appointees are all defending Trump, when they were appointed to defend the country. Moscow Mitch and the Republicans are tearing America down. There's no chance that Trump can make America great again, he's past the point where he could have done anything but destroy it. Apparently his followers think that Putin is a democratic leader of a lawful Republic. They don't seem to understand that it's a long way from mouthing words to obtaining the required results.
Why Whistleblower Complaint Could Be 'Significant' | Morning Joe | MSNBC
Of course, as sensitive as intelligence matters are, with literally hundreds of readers and other agents studying such matters ad nauseum, even a little release of intel can out people working for us. Trump is so "blind" to intelligence work and how it's done and why it matters, he's prone to carelessly out any agent or operation just to prove some political point. I, sincerely doubt that any U.S. agent or asset has gotten much sleep while Trump continues his fullisade of scattershot tweets.
Phil Mudd: Not job of US intelligence to report on White House
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
Elizabeth Warren Narrows Gap With Joe Biden In New Polling | Morning Joe...
If I had to guess I'd say that Kamala Harris is being hurt by the fact that she was a prosecutor, the law hasn't given a very good account of itself over the past few decades. With Black prison populations and things like "Hobby Lobby" and "Corporate Personhood" it just gives the whole Judiciary and law enforcement an undesirable taint. Not to mention things like Trayvon Martin and Black Lives Matter, prosecutors just don't have that old "Jack Web"/"Perry Mason" /"Dragnet" type feel that matters of law and enforcement once had; one kinda doubts that "Brown Vs. would have the same result, at law, today. Warren has that comforting "school mom" aura we all grew up with and learned to respect because of it's honesty and genuine concern for us.
Car Smashes Into Lobby of Trump Plaza in New York
Apparently this was the result of restrictive parking laws, there were no parked cars to block errant, out of control cars from leaving the street and mounting the sidewalk. Curbs, only a few inches tall won't do the job of parked cars which protect pedestrians and property from motor vehicle accidents. When parking is removed stanchions must be put in place to protect sidewalks from vehicular encroachments.
Combative Corey Lewandowski Begrudgingly Affirms Mueller Report's Truth ...
The hearing itself was something to watch, yes it's almost 4 hrs long but it is totally worth it and at least as interesting as any courtroom drama. Here's the link to it:
WATCH LIVE: Corey Lewandowski testifies before Congress
WATCH LIVE: Corey Lewandowski testifies before Congress
Fmr. Federal Prosecutor: Lewandowski "May Have Perjured Himself" In Hear...
The actual hearings are something to watch, I posted the live feed here:
WATCH LIVE: Corey Lewandowski testifies before Congress
I assure you it is nothing less than delicious. And again; Barr needs to be impeached/recused/removed.
WATCH LIVE: Corey Lewandowski testifies before Congress
I assure you it is nothing less than delicious. And again; Barr needs to be impeached/recused/removed.
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
Snowden: The Government Can Hack Your iPhone Like A Criminal To Track Yo...
Gee, if the gov't says that the data they collected was not secret or private or covered by privacy laws because it is "meta data", how can they classify anything about it? That would be like them classifying the Sunday New York Times.
Trump Threatens War with Iran on Saudi Arabia’s Behalf: A Closer Look
The reason talk show hosts and comedians can give the stark unvarnished truth is because, they don't need to maintain access to officials as sources for their reports, as reporters must. And, while they have greater license with the truth, if they stick to the truth their work has much more impact than it would if they just made things up. Of course, there's so much wrong with this administration, they don't have to make anything up, the truth is just too startling, if you didn't hear it in the news first you would not believe it.
Book Reports On Sexual Misconduct Allegations Against Kavanaugh | The Be...
Egad, this appears to follow a pattern with the appointment of Barr, both had issued Trump positive advocacies then were pushed into office past "investigation" opposition.
Monday, September 16, 2019
New Polls: Trump’s Approval Rating Slipping | Hardball | MSNBC
His numbers are still 40% higher than they should be.
The JFK Files : The Murder of a President - The Fifth Estate
As far as I have been able to discover, the sheriff is claimed to have entered the schoolbook depository 90 seconds after the first shot is fired. He says he saw Oswald sitting in the back of the second floor breakroom with a soda and sandwich. There were also two girls who were on the third floor near the stairs, talking, they were there before, during and for a short time after the shots were fired, thus no one could have exited the sixth floor and would have been trapped there, if they had fired from there.
Also, the perch they tried to sell us, was actually behind a tree which partially obscured the target area. So that was not actually a good location for a sniper to operate from. So, as far as a coup having taken place, we now have 911, where the 25 billion dollar "Iraq reconstruction fund" of the U.N., paid for and managed by one Donald Rumsfeld and his fellow PNAC members, disappeared with out a trace. It seems that a weak and compliant President is all these new masters need to keep their master plan unfolding. Well, that's my working "conspiracy theory".
The End of Trump? - The Fifth Estate
It would be one thing if all of these investigations were just accusations without any good evidence, for example; mere allegations and/or testimony by proclaimed or suspected partisans. But that's not the case, the evidence comes from people who vote on both sides of the "aisle" and much of it is documented. Perjury, lies, filing false documents, suborning perjury, emoluments violations, on and on. All serious crimes and even damaging U.S. foreign relations, siding with dictators against American institutions and advocating to destroy the foundations of democracy in order to assume unfettered power himself. History seems to say that: if Congress doesn't act to assert it's Constitutional powers, there will arise a crisis that may only be reversed by the shedding of blood, as history shows has happened time and again down the corridors of time.
Holder cautions against prosecuting Trump post presidency
Sorry Eric, you have not made the case, this President needs to be imprisoned.