

Latest Trump Putin Appeasement: Growing Hostility Toward Ukraine | Rache...

If I recall Manafort was working to help Putin take the Ukraine and earned a handsome dollar for his efforts,  before being hired by Trump.

Madeleine Westerhout out as Trump's personal assistant

Trump can only hire ever worse people because anyone with skills, good sense and strong moral fibre is too smart to take the job.

Did Trump just tweet out classified image?

The sat image is classified because, it often requires an agent on the ground, to locate sites for sat inspection.  Releasing this image puts the life of that agent, agents or other asset in serious danger.  Worse yet, anyone around the world, who becomes aware of this haphazard handling of secrets, must now feel at serious risk for their efforts. 

Imagine yourself as a CIA agent somewhere around the world,  imagine that you are asking some foreigner to cooperate with you.  What do you think the chances are of them helping you, if they are aware of this?  The highest level potential cooperators are already lost because of this, if not because of the Valerie Plame debacle.  So, what's left of the CIA's ability to penetrate anywhere? 

In short, we are going "blind" around the world, the State Dept. is crippled and the CIA depends on it.  CIA is increasingly being viewed as untrustworthy because they cannot secure their work product from being disclosed for political reasons, despite who, or how such disclosures put lives at risk.  We won't see the results of this crap for a while, but it will cripple any efforts we mount for years to come.

Watch Epic Build For Impeachment | The Beat With Ari Melber | MSNBC

It's time for that impeachment inquiry, the only question now is will the Senate vote with the Kremlin?

High Trump Disapproval Fuels Dem Hopes To Retake Senate | The Last Word ...

If he's impeached he'll be tried in the Senate and double jeopardy would protect him from jail after leaving office.  Impeach him but don't let the Senate try him, so he can face a criminal trial and be jailed.

Trump Aims To Open Vital U.S. Forest To Logging, Drilling, Mining | Rach...

The entire Trump Administration exhibits a depraved indifference to America!

New Ethanol Rules Are Testing Farmers' Support Of President Donald Trump...

So, the vote for Trump was a corruption in itself, these fools thought; "America be damned, if this idiot is going to put a few dollars in my pocket he's got my vote, even if he doesn't know how to govern and will probably mess things up for everybody else".  Well, it turned out even worse, first they're finding that Trump double talks, doesn't understand a thing about what he's doing nor does he care a whit about any promises he made.  He simply said a lot of things that his pollsters told him people would like to hear in each section of the nation he visited, with no intention of delivering because he had no idea how to do so.  It's just like all these Trump voters when into the back alley in town and hired the  worse drunken lunatic they could find to run their farms and businesses, simply because he told them he'd make them more money. 

Apparently the Republican voters believed that we are not a nation of laws and that, therefore, their President would be able to do just as he pleased.  Well, perhaps now they will realize that because we have laws, you don't need to have a lab in your kitchen to test every food you buy, and that financial services can't simply pocket your hard earned money and walk away with it.  That's what government regulations do.  They make sure that your employer has to settle with you if you're injured on his job, that's why you get a safer work place, on and on goes the benefits of government regulations.  So, don't cry to me that the crooked prevaricator you elected isn't delivering what he promised you.  Next time do your homework and ask some questions, or just watch and see how they answer the questions they're asked.  Or, vote for him again and ask Putin deal with your problems! Because MOSCOW!

The Most Inhumane Of All Of President Donald Trump's Policies' | Rachel ...

As if parents with a sick child do not already have enough to worry about, the Trump selectee's come up with yet another "brilliant" idea.  It reminds of the "Southern Gentlemen" of plantation days,  like the one who served tea while whipping a stripped slave near to death all afternoon.  It's brazenly depraved indifference and unconcern for human life. This administration seems to believe there is nothing too harsh for "brown" people.  Trump is right when he says he's a white nationalist, because white supremacy, racism and anti semitism goes with it.  Just because he says he is not a klansman doesn't mean that he isn't.  Because that's what they all say!


Wife Of Lobbyist For Russian Plant In KY Got Boost From Mitch McConnell

Trump Admin Looks To Eject Medically Vulnerable Immigrant Kids | Rachel ...

Why is this administration so cold, uncaring and calloused?  America isn't like this, so why are we putting up with rule by someone who is?

Trump Defends Russia, Ups His China Trade War... And Tweets About Bed Bu...

Barr "the untrustworthy" has pulled the Epstein scandal from the front pages.

Trump Pitch To Host G7 Seen As Ploy To Help Failing Business | Rachel Ma...

Stupid, stupid, stupid.  With the costs of operating Mar a lago, he obviously needs more than the patronage of just a few biggies who won't be there spending freely all the time.  He needs a crowd of lesser folk.  But, with the security top clients bring, lesser millionaires and multi millionaires will be less than "properly" treated, them not being the central focus of the realm and pushed around by the security concerns of the biggies.  To obviate the possibility of any such mistreatment,  the "unwashed hordes" of multimillionaires will choose to go elsewhere, most especially selecting venues with more interesting surroundings.  Hardly a wonder then that the entity is performing poorly, any business guru worth their salt would have expected this result,  Of course, all Trump has ever done is lose money, which is as easy to do as falling off a log.

Trump Pushes Doral For G-7, Swats At Bed Bug Infestation Reports | The B...

MONEY, MONEY, MONEY! He's making America appear to be accepting the rule of a corrupt dictator and doing nothing about it but complaining.  Complaining so as to allow us to claim that we are still a democratic republic where the rule of law means something, when all the while we are being unmasked as a money hungry dictatorship.  In short, we are not looking good on the world stage.

Trump's Instability Threatens To Deprive Him Of One Of His Arguments Re-...

President Krotch Bomb is destroying America, he's building a case for an insanity defense. That beats serving time in jail.  Of course, that leaves the rest of his family and followers hanging.  Just imagine having to explain how and why you continued to support and cover for a man who you knew had gone insane while you dealt the nation a problem by attempting to hang onto power for yourself?  Think there will be a grateful nation there to thank you for finally coming forward?  I doubt it, I think everyone on your side will be running for cover.

Ex-congressman rips Trump and GOP for inaction on guns

Of course we've learned that millions of those NRA dollars they gave to Trump, came from Russia!  Hardly a wonder then, that "Moscow Mitch" is towing the line. He's getting a billion dollar Aluminium factory in his state, built by a friend of Derapaska, who Moscow Mitch lifted Obama's sanctions from,  

FEC Hobbled By Resignations Going Into 2020 Campaign Season | Rachel Mad...

     we need to change how appointments are made and/or confirmed.  We must not have lunatics, operating with captive party sycophants, selecting the people to head our government agencies.

Cuomo fact-checks Trump's claims of genius

Conservatives think that any numbers add up to whatever they want them to add up to.  That is their fundamental way of thinking that means they cannot provide proper support for any form of government other than a dictatorship, where facts are to be ignored and truth is merely a weapon wielded by an enemy of the state.  We have got to get back to shunning any candidate who "double talks" and/or who refuses to pay attention to facts, truth and/or reach conclusions that are simply a result of the clearly observed.

Photo disproves WH's claim for Trump's climate absence

He's the greatest environmentalist? Hahahahahahahaha! He must be talking to the walls.

Trashopolis S02 E04: Los Angeles

Send this to Elon, he just might have an idea. With 144 billion dollars who knows, eh? Alternatively we could go back to spending less than 2 cents of each tax dollar on repairing the safety nets and another penny to clean up the oceans.  There are people struggling to remove the plastic from the oceans, but they're working with a micro budget.  Just a few people with more money  than they know what to do with, might just want to help save the planet, eh? Get on it!!!

World Leaders Take 'Class Photo' At G-7 | MSNBC

)))) SLAPPP (((( Trump takes a subtle hit back at G7, where they invited Iran. See Trump scowl as they avoid him with polite but brief greets.He knows he's being shunned.