

FULL The Beat With Ari Melber 6/15/19 | Ari Melber MSNBC News Today June...

What Trump is trying to tell us is; no one inside his campaign, nor any one outside his campaign who was interested in seeing him win, who had any knowledge of campaign rules,  bothered to even attempt to inform him that his call out to Russia might result in an illegal event if not careful.  Say, for instance, wouldn't Jeff Sessions have known?  We should think that people like Sessions and other pols and lawyers who wanted to see a Republican win, would not have rushed to offer the advice, that Trump clearly needed about the risks at law he would face if he consorted with Russians?  I'm pretty sure that there were many people worried by Trump's Russia remarks that the phones rang off the hook with advice.

MI Representative Dingell On Healthcare And Voters Yelling About Impeach...

People want to hear the candidates scrap for the vote because they don't want to see it go to another Al Gore, who will simply step aside if it comes to a close vote.  If Al had stayed and fought he would have won. Bush didn't have the votes and even the Court could not have shut him down if he had not conceded.

WaPo: President Donald Trump Has Made Over 10,000 False Or Misleading Cl...

Why is it that, while subornation of perjury is a crime, it's entirely legal to suborn felony?  You cannot ask people to tell lies under oath, but you can ask, encourage or tell them to commit felony and you are in the clear, even when you have the power to pardon them if they were to get caught breaking the law.
Something needs to be done about this really quick,  Trump has engaged in the subornation of crimes in several instances and he cannot be charged with doing so.  Very bad.

MI Representative Dingell On Healthcare And Voters Yelling About Impeach...

Pelosi has a deadline, the cracks in the Republican facade are beginning to appear.  The dam will soon burst and then it will be time.  Trump and his crime family will wind up in jail.

Donald Trump Disregard For Rule Of Law Puts Officials In Awkward Spot | ...

Is there a crime of "subornation of felony?" Here the President violates his oath of office, isn't that a crime of some sort? Then he advocates against the law, the Constitution and the administration of government and yet, this is not breaking the law?  Sorry, I think we are losing our edge.  There was a time when none of this kind of thing would not have been tolerated by or from anyone. Something has to be done by all Americans, we do not need this kind of leadership. 

Sarah Huckabee Sanders Hopes She’s Remembered As “Honest And Transparent”

Chao Corruption Shocking Even For Scandal-Plagued Donald Trump Cabinet

Special Counsel Quotes Lawrence Report & Tells The Kellyanne Should Be F...

This is a full on criminal Presidency much like The  Crime Corleone Family they recognize no law.  Even to the extent of violating the laws that were written to protect America from foreign adversaries.  Yet, Republicans stand in the way of even reigning in the excesses, less seek his removal.  Even as he places the survival of the Republic at risk.

Donald Trump Shows Why Presidents Shouldn't Be Part Of Real Estate Deals...

Something smells very bad here! Trump Tower Indonesia anyone?

White House In Damage Control Over Trump's Comments On Election Interfer...

Information can be poisonous but Trump isn't aware of that.  Information can be of a traceable sort that might be traced back to a place where a President should not be accessing. That would make mere listening dangerous all by itself.  Is Trump so stupid as to think that America's enemies would be out to help him for the good of America? 

Joe: GOP Has To Condemn President Donald Trump's Foreign Dirt Remarks | ...

He has no idea of how nations work using intrigue and spycraft to further their ideology.  Nor is he able to learn. He thinks it's all about faking it.

RUSSIA: "Trump; If you're listening, the tapes are secure, lift the sanctions! Nice Presidency you have there, be a real shame if something should happen to it." [lol]

Tapper on Trump's answer: Do you have any idea what he's saying?

Of course Trump rebuffed the Russians,  those were rebuffing welcomes. lol

Senator Kamala Harris On President Donald Trump's Interest In Foreign El...



Wow, if that isn't the most forward blackmail threat to a victim, I have no idea what is!  What they are saying, in effect is; you do not have to worry about that terrible video tape, that you know was taken of you doing [insert objectionable material here,]  because we have complete control of it.  What goes unsaid is, "As long as you do what we say, you have nothing to worry about!"

Now, whether or not it's true that such a tape exists or not, this is the kind of thing one is exposed to, when they deal with an adversarial foreign power without a chaperone.

For our purposes, however, America can no longer trust Trump, because we cannot figure out whether or not he deserves our trust. 

Doggett: Trump's Comments About Foreign Help Should Move Dems On Impeach...

If a thing would help get you elected, then that thing is a thing of value.  Think about how much  money is spent on getting elected, if a thing were to provide a measure of assistance to that end, then it is at least as valuable as a share of the campaign spending and efforts. 

Donald Trump Unchastened By Russia Scandal, Still Open To Foreign Help |...

If they didn't know their behaviour was wrong, why did they all lie under oath about it?  Why commit a perjury to conceal an innocent matter?  I'll tell you why, there are people on his campaign, who are knowledgeable about campaigns and foreign intelligence.  So, when Trump called out; "Russia, if you're listening...", He was warned that it would be illegal if he received an answer from Russia.  But these are a crime family, they're used to breaking the law and getting away with it.  They lie to banks on loan applications, they issue fraudulent statements all the time.  They mislead clients, cheat customers and defraud investors all t he time, when they are caught they simply settle. So hey, why not take the Russian help, illegal, illsmegal, the Presidency is just too big a plum not to go all out for.  Jr. needs a 1.2 billion dollar loan, Trump himself is dickering for a multi hundred million dollar project in Moscow.  So we'll take that Russian help and simply lie about it later. After all, it's very unlikely that any lawyer or other experienced campaigner would advise or warn Trump about what would be a crime or not, eh?  Campaign lawyers and people just don't do things like that, eh?

I guess that Manafort, being a lawyer, didn't know that the Trump Tower meeting was a crime, and if he did, he told no one about it.  Instead they decided on their own to lie about Russian meetings on their own. Hahaha... Think a jury will believe all that?  I think that the dumbest jury one can impanel, would probably convict on this! Sure the evidence is circumstantial, but this would not be the first time the first time the government won convictions based on circumstantial evidence. I think it's worth a try.

Investigators Checking If President Trump Lying Includes Financial Docs ...

Hey Donald, Putin says he's working on it but, just in case he fails, he says: Don't drop the soap! Hahaha!

'It's Going To Be A Close Election': SuperPAC Chair Predicts | Morning J...

With Trump we get more of this:

Mayor Pete: Trump Foreign Policy Erratic, Impulsive, & Troubling | The B...

Do not forget how corrupt this administration is and has been, nor should we forget that these corrupt individual appointees are confirmed and protected by Republicans who tow the line for them and Trump, here have a look a the latest scorecard:

Trump Renews Attack On Democrats & Mueller Investigation Campaigning In ...

Corruption, Trump is thy name!

Biden Calls Trump An Existential Threat. Trump Says Biden Is Mentally We...

If you love government corruption then Trump's your man! There is no way that the Republican Party can hide the fact that they have been coddling the most corrupt administration in the history of the U.S., here, have a quick look and then there's more in the "pages" links at the top of this page "The horrible..." 1 thru 5. and please, save and repast this link in your social media sites: Trump will have no support at all.

Joe Biden Gets Under President Donald Trump’s Skin In Iowa | Deadline | ...

How can Trump run a campaign for re-election when his whole administration has been so shot through with corruption that even reporters can't keep up?  Here, have a look and please, circulate this url:

Republicans have, absolutely no reason, to wax indignant about anything as long as they keep supporting the ongoing corruption of this administration.  Democrats must open up and post the tally of corruption Trump has opened government up to and allowed in. I'm going to guess that even Trumps supporters are not in favor of crime.

Robert Mueller Memo On Flynn Shows Cooperation On Three Investigations |...

Why aren't the Republicans asking questions about this? Instead they're trying to say there was no reason for anyone to start any investigation, other than political sour grapes.  

Trump takes aim at Biden ahead of dueling Iowa rallies

Captain Bone Spurs is a real tough guy, eh?

Vanity Fair: Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Is Being Manipulated

This says she's powerful, that's all.  The usual political procedure is to attempt to create imaginary cracks in her facade, so that they have something to work with.  This says they have nothing and they're about to be crushed beneath the on rushing wave.  GO GIRL

CNN's EXPOSES Report Raises Conflict of Interest Questions About Kushner

Hmmm... That 90 million could have come from Russia, North Korea, Iran,  China or, heaven forfend, The International Bezelbub Corp. loll Whatever, it's probably not a good thing.

Trumpworld Insider: Trump Puffery 'All A Lie,' 'Make Believe' | The Beat...

Trump has made a secret deal with China, Russia and North Korea to make American wealthy,  you'll hear more about it after the election. Hahahaha!

Nixon Aide Speaks On The Hill As Dems Get Mueller's Trump Probe Evidence...

All the Republicans know how to do is cast aspersions, dodge the issues and play the victim.  Witness credibility isn't the issue here, the facts of the matter and the history are the issue.  Republicans cannot deal with issues because the issues and the facts go against them.  They will not be able to "land the plane" either. The plane will crash and burn.

Watergate Lawyer: Mueller Knowledge "Dangerous" For Donald Trump | The B...

Pelosi will "Land the Plane", right on Trump's rump! Hahaha!

Gears Begin To Turn On Congress Follow-Through On Mueller report | Rache...

ReSpublicans don't like to hear the word "treason" being used to describe how they're either turning against the nation or supporting those who do.  So, it is to this end that they caused the technical definition of the word, to prove that it's being used improperly.  Okay, technically that is true but, consider that the people using the term aren't lawyers or even professionals, thus they have license to use words they find descriptive of the actions they observe.  To this end, "treason" at colloquial use, precisely describes actions that are against the U.S. that favor the interests of enemy or even adversarial nations.

Obviously treason needs to be updated at law and brought into the 21st century with an inclusion of actions, against the nation, that favor a foreign adversary, by a person pledged as a patriot and not just when done during a war.  Especially since, in the 21st century, wars are not what they once were, today we have cyber wars that are battles for the hearts and minds of the citizens and the world.  One side fights to bring all people under the rule of a single person or group of people, while the other side advocates for a system where power is in many hands with institutions to provide checks and balances against corruption and special interests.  Such that the citizens are largely self governing. 

With the powers of government available to anyone to redress grievance, the powers of government are to be shared for the good of society. Instead of being greedily held by a despot and his/her cadre of cohorts.

House Judiciary Committee Holds Hearing On Mueller Report | Morning Joe ...

The Mueller Report: Watch As We Read The Whole Thing Live
It's over 11 hours so download it and  play it when you choose.
Also spread this link on social media please.