

Fox News gives Trump conflicting advice

Wow, great advice guys, let's hope Trump takes your words and takes both of your advices. 😆

Rod Rosenstein Joked About Secretly Recording President Donald Trump | H...

Do we see the NYT reporting half truths? They shouldn't be doing things like that, they could be responsible for starting an unjust invasion, eh? We know they wouldn't want to do that

NYT: Rod Rosenstein discussed secretly taping Trump

NYT damages itself by again publishing as news rumors not fit for print.

NY Times Story May Give Donald Trump Excuse He Seeks To Fire Rod Rosenst...

Oh yeah, Rachel checks in with her informed take. Go Girl!!!

After Manafort And Cohen Flip, New Leaks Attack Mueller’s Boss | The Bea...

There's the truth and then there's the spin. Trump relies on spin, just as most Republicans usually do.

Is The Public In A 'Take No Prisoners' Mood Over Hearings? | Morning Joe...

Just say no to Kavanaugh's ideas of a sovereign president.

Trump's Stupidity Is Driving Republicans CRAZY

What's this? Really, Republicans repairing the safety nets? You know, those "entitlements" you aid into? Social Security. When did Republicans ever try to do anything but tear up everything and leave us with nothing but their empty promises?!

Stephen Simulates Next Week's Kavanaugh/Ford Hearing

Republicans: "We have interviewed Al Capone extensively and we see no reason to doubt his truthfulness about his tax payments". Boy does the committee membership know all the tricks?! :-(

Trump Goes on Fox & Friends and Freaks Out About Michael Cohen: A Closer...

President the President

and his stone age family...

😆 😆 😆

Trump's Less-Than-Magic Mushroom

Here we hear from a president who never left grade school. He says to the man who finds the hurricane has left a yacht on his lawn; "you got a good deal".  Now besides what Colbert points out, that possession doesn't follow the boat, "finders keepers", fashion.  There's also the matter of having the money/income needed for upkeep of the water craft.

Who needs a boat they can't afford to dock or fuel, have serviced and repaired. Less a nautically proficient captain and perhaps a crew hand or two.

Instead the President of the most powerful country on earth, lives in a fantasy world of his own narrow minded imagination. Where magical things happen bearing no connection to the stark reality of the real world.

Are Bert And Ernie A Gay Couple?

Hmmm... Rumor has it that Alex Jones has been putting things, in the products he sells, that are turning muppets gay. 😆 😆 😆


Of course no laws were broken. The banks had the right to lend the money they controlled, to any applicant. Does not matter they accepted false, flawed or otherwise unqualified applications. If anything, since it was depositors money, they violated their fiduciary trust obligations, which could be criminal in some cases, but that's a high hill to climb when the very people who will suffer, if the charges are brought, are the very people who are suffering because the charges are not being brought.

Of course, this conundrum was foreseen three score and eighteen years ago when the market had crashed before.  Undoing Glas Stegal paved the way for it to happen again. Ignorant people, unwilling to look at the history behind laws someone wants to wipe from the books, to improve the economy, are a constant danger to everyone.

Kavanaugh Updates, Republicans and Trump Respond

Good lord, where do these people come from?

GOP Strategist: Brett Kavanaugh Cannot Sit On This Court | Velshi & Ruhl...

Meanwhile rumor has it that Alex Jones is putting something in his products that is turning puppets gay. Evidence: Burt & Ernie.

Tuesday, September 18, 2018

SHOCK: Fox News Fact-Checks Trump: "None Of That Was True"

Our President is less concerned with his credibility than a fifth grader!

Manafort Flips on Trump; Kavanaugh Accused of Sexual Assault: A Closer Look

We certainly do not want to forget the performance of the illustrious Alberto Gonzales do we?
Should we appoint a man chosen by the guy who put Manafort in charge of his campaign? Manafort was responsible for thwarting American plans to keep Ukraine out of Russian hands. Now the man who kisses up to Putin wants to select a Supreme Court Justice for us. No doubt to either please Russia as well as protect Agent Orange from the diaster he has created.

This is going to be a very interesting year.

Trump defends Kavanaugh amid sexual assault allegation

Trump was warned by Republicans not to nominate him because of "his long paper trail". So when Trump does it anyway, we have to believe there's something in the paper trail that's a deal breaker.

So when Trump only turns over tens of thousands of pages at the "eleventh hour", even Republicans want to know what's in those papers. Most of Trump's people have either resigned under a cloud, or left in disgrace, were convicted or plead guilty. And even Trump's lawyers have hired lawyers themselves, it's a good bet that this attempted appointment is no different.

Elie Mystal: Paul Manafort May Know Exactly What Russia Wanted | AM Joy ...

He went from 60 million to zero in 6.5 seconds.  Why? My guess is, after having followed Rachel Maddow's reports, many of which are here in the archives, we know that Manafort was being paid by foreign governments to thwart U.S. interests.

I'd guess he could have faced charges of treason therefore. So, it appears that he chose skid row over death row. A wise choice if I must say so.

Sunday, September 16, 2018

Trump's Tax Cuts Wreaking Havoc

Brace for it Trump supporters!

--Ben Dover (here it comes again).

Paul Manafort Is A Russian Puppet

Wow but if you had followed Rachel Maddow, and I've posted a vast collection of her videos, you would already know that Manafort is in way to deep.

Stelter rips Trump's embrace of conspiracy theories

Even Bush had the sense to provide buses for the poor and diabled to evacuate. Trump not so much.
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New Poll: 47% Of America Says Donald Trump Should Be Removed From Office...

It just may be that Trump &Co didn't do anything wrong. But it really seems highly unlikely that they would all lie about it before Congress. Why would they seek to conceal an innocent meeting where nothing of any importance happened?  I mean it's for sure White House counsel told them not to do that, if they had asked. If they did not ask or seek advice they would later learn they had much to hide, if they didn't know that already. But they've certainly acted as if they are guilty of some terrible thing that had to be kept secret at all costs. And did they ever try so desperately to do so. So that if they had done nothing they had to hide then their actions are those of mad men, they cannot have it both ways.
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