

6 on 77: The Dulles Airport 9/11 Cover-Up [2017]

This video is only worth watching if you are really digging into the hijacker/identity/numbers questions. Coming out, as it does, 16 years after, you can expect it to sow confusion at the least. A very big clue as to why the passenger and hijacker listings will never be settled is found in Northwoods where it says "...passengers boarded under carefully prepared aliases..." This statement gives away the fact that there was, even in that early mid 20th century time, knowledge and planning for passenger list manipulation. Just stick to what cannot be manipulated, you can't get 100 tons of aircraft debris to a site, where no plane has crashed, within minutes of the claimed event. They had to account for the planes disappearing completely, then have supporting debris show up hours, weeks, months and even years later.