

Monday, December 4, 2017

Lots of good 911 research here

6 on 77: The Dulles Airport 9/11 Cover-Up [2017]

This video is only worth watching if you are really digging into the hijacker/identity/numbers questions. Coming out, as it does, 16 years after, you can expect it to sow confusion at the least. A very big clue as to why the passenger and hijacker listings will never be settled is found in Northwoods where it says "...passengers boarded under carefully prepared aliases..." This statement gives away the fact that there was, even in that early mid 20th century time, knowledge and planning for passenger list manipulation. Just stick to what cannot be manipulated, you can't get 100 tons of aircraft debris to a site, where no plane has crashed, within minutes of the claimed event. They had to account for the planes disappearing completely, then have supporting debris show up hours, weeks, months and even years later.

Monday, September 25, 2017

Friday, September 22, 2017

9/11: A Conspiracy Theory - YouTube

9/11: A Conspiracy Theory - YouTube

The trouble is many people know that, knowing the truth about things is crippling.   Your boss lies to you but you don't think of him as a liar, that would make it almost  impossible to work for him or her.  So, instead, you think of their lies as strategic  assertions, not done for the purpose of misleading anyone, but simply as a strategy  or strategic move to gain the upper hand position they require to get the program  done.  As an employee, you welcome anything that helps get the work done, the  project completed on time etc.,  so you know that a focus on the truth of a matter  would undermine the effort.

So, then, when John pops up and says: "Regulation 509b paragraph 5 prohibits  this.", and the boss slaps back: "That doesn't apply here!" , you don't go look up the  regulation to determine the truth for yourself,  because that would cripple you, so you  accept it and move on, let someone else deal with that issue when the time comes.  If  someone happens to catch it, the company lawyers will spend some time in court,  and/or some settlement will be reached, usually with no one having to admit any  fault.  Astute bosses and some employees know this and so they've learned and  trained themselves to accept lies and move on.

In the years after 911 I had the occasion to talk with a professor and ask why building  7 came down, I got an earful of unlikely reasons.  I didn't argue the point because I  knew the professors entire career depended on him or her, not paying any attention  to either the truth or the details, to keep their status quo they decided to accept the  official story and move on. I understood that by pressing the issue, I would only  damage this person, to no good effect, since the truth would never be admitted to  officially for, perhaps, decades.  Only when people reach their "safe space" like  retired,  can they bother to get into the details,  otherwise it's just too dangerous a  thing to do.  Loss of their job, held up to ridicule would badly damage the life they  had struggled so hard to build.  While knowing the truth would make them feel  cowardly and bring on severe psychological dilemma,  with no immediate prospect of  benefit.  Best they remain blissfully ignorant and simply accept the official story and  move on, as if none of it mattered,  because for them it really doesn't. 

Taking the long, historical view, I can only hope that these people realize that, even  while they accept the official line,  they realize that there is likely something very fishy  about it,  and cast their votes accordingly.  Remember, the jury is still out on Nero  burning Rome and that happened over a thousand years ago.  So, try to be kind and  patient when discussing 911, there are many real and immediate barriers to getting  people to even look at the matter.

Why the Greatest Advocates of Nonviolence Didn't Condemn Anti-Racist, Anti-Fascist Acts of Violence

Why the Greatest Advocates of Nonviolence Didn't Condemn Anti-Racist, Anti-Fascist Acts of Violence

 As usual, it all depends on what the violence is for.  It was alright to commit violence to keep the Union.  Would it have been alright to protect the civil rights marchers from being beaten and hung?  We have police and military forces, because we know that violent people cannot always be stopped by non violence.  Sitting around singing Kumbya would not have stopped Hitler, it took military force to do that. Thus, violence to stop violent people from committing violent acts is good.

Saturday, September 2, 2017

Sunday, August 27, 2017

Identities of the Charlottesville White Nationalist Marchers Revealed @alternet

Identities of the Charlottesville White Nationalist Marchers Revealed @alternet: Twitter users are forcing the unmasked racists to face the consequences. After white nationalists violently took to the streets of Charlottesville, Virginia, this past weekend, Twitter users sought justice in the form of ignominy, with a call to 'out' the marchers as proud racists.

The Damage We Do to Boys and Men That Explains the Trump Presidency @alternet

The Damage We Do to Boys and Men That Explains the Trump Presidency @alternet: Toxic masculinity hurts men and women alike. It is impossible to talk about Donald Trump—his election victory, his personal brand, his public persona—without also discussing toxic masculinity. This is a man who brought up the size of his penis during a political debate, who bragged about using his fame in the service of sexual assault, who recently interrupted a call with another world leader to hit on a nearby female reporter.

Donald Trump DoJ To Attack Affirmative Action In College Admissions: NYT...

Wow, just imagine some white fool decides to have Sessions on his behalf.  I can't wait to see Jeff'y wheffie go up against some Universities Lawyers before the U.S.S.C. and being made fools of on the national and world stage.  They'll mop the floor with widdle Jeffie Wheffie.

DeVos’ New Cause: The Rights of Those Accused of Raping Women on Campus @alternet

DeVos’ New Cause: The Rights of Those Accused of Raping Women on Campus @alternet: The alleged perpetrators of rape, according to the Trump administration, are the real victims. DeVos’ world gets stranger by the day.After hearing from rape victims, DeVos and her top civil rights official have decided to champion the rights of those accused of raping the women.The New York Times calls this “a new look” at the issue of campus rape.Indeed.

Is Team Trump Imploding? @alternet

Is Team Trump Imploding? @alternet: There's still a cadre of loyalists, doing their best to spread lies. But the Trump coalition is coming unglued. For the first time in a year’s worth of reporting on the Russian attack on the 2016 presidential election, a series of watershed articles published by the New York Times has placed one of the alleged conspirators inside the White House. Specifically, the attendance of President Donald Trump’s son-in-law and constant shadow, Jared Kushner, in the June 9, 2016, meeting between Donald Trump Jr., Paul Manafort and a Kremlin-linked Russian lawyer named Natalia Veselnitskaya represents the first hard evidence that a senior White House aide was in on the conspiracy.

7 Things Selling Like Hotcakes Since Trump Won @alternet

7 Things Selling Like Hotcakes Since Trump Won @alternet: What we buy says a lot about who we are. You can always gauge the temperature of a place by its spending habits. The years after 9/11 saw a precipitous rise in sales of the Hummer, a car more suited to combat than the suburbs, and the perfect emblem of the fear pervading these United States at the time. More recently, Donald Trump’s presidency has sparked new spending trends, all indicative of widespread cultural ideas—and mostly fears—of what his tenure in office will mean.

How Does the 25th Amendment Work?

How Does the 25th Amendment Work?

Actually the matter should turn on how the president became so "disabled", if by medical reason, then yes let the V.P. take over.  But, when it's by some legal transgression, that should result in a recall,  since, it's credible to think that all of his appointments are tainted as well. 

Courts Must Hold Executive Branch Accountable for Drone Strikes

Courts Must Hold Executive Branch Accountable for Drone Strikes

Without "checks and balances" by a "separate and equal" branch of government, our nation is broken!