

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

FINANCIAL TYRANNY: Defeating the Greatest Cover-Up of All Time

2012 has begun as a year of rampant paranoia and hopelessness on the Internet and throughout mainstream media.
The economy appears to be in a dire predicament -- ready to go over a cliff into an abyss few can even allow themselves to consider.
The Euro has been teetering on the brink of total collapse. A frantic bailout of the entire European Union, proposed by the Federal Reserve, has done very little to relieve the fears of the public.
On December 19th, 2011, Britain announced they will refuse to participate in this bailout -- showing how tense and uncertain the situation really is.
Simultaneously, very aggressive and blatant moves are being made to start World War III in the Middle East -- with imminent, ever-increasing threats from Israel and the United States to attack Iran.
Since 9/11, Americans and much of the Western world have been led to believe that the biggest enemy they face is terrorism from Islamic extremists. Nonetheless, there is now overwhelming, undeniable evidence that the true enemy... is within.
You are about to read a comprehensive investigation summarizing all the best information I have gathered about the true nature of this crisis since I became directly aware of it, twenty years ago -- in 1992.
Very few people are aware that a massive 122-nation coalition has formed to solve the problem -- just in the nick of time – and they are backing a legal, public solution to end Financial Tyranny.

1 comment:

  1. There are a few forgivable errors, they say billions in a few places where they mean trillions, a very common mistake. But there's a more serious one, they say that the dispensing of these trillions started in 2007 with TARP, in fact they began 2 years earlier according to the original article which is somewhere on this very blog. I'll post the link when I have time to find it.


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